Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy and Information regarding the protection and use of personal data

Ottica Izzo di Alfonso Maria Izzo & CSas , VAT number 00851170621, with headquarters in Montesarchio (BN), Via Napoli n. 4 (hereinafter “Ottica Izzo” or “Owner”) is constantly committed to protecting the online privacy of its users and customers. This document (hereinafter: “Privacy Policy”) was drawn up pursuant to art. 13 of EU Regulation 2016/679 (hereinafter: "Regulation") in order to allow you to know our privacy policy, to understand how your personal information is managed when you purchase products on or use the website (hereinafter the “Site”) and, where appropriate, to give express and informed consent to the processing of your personal data.

We inform you that your personal data will be processed in compliance with the aforementioned legislation applicable to the protection of personal data and the confidentiality obligations which inspire the activity of our Company. The processing carried out by Ottica Izzo will be based on the principles of lawfulness, correctness, transparency, limitation of purposes and conservation, data minimization, accuracy, integrity and confidentiality.

Ottica Izzo informs you that, if you choose PayPal as a payment method, you will be automatically redirected to the PayPal website to make the payment according to the terms and conditions agreed upon by you with PayPal and PayPal procedures. The data entered on the PayPal website (as well as the payment instrument data linked to your PayPal account) will be processed by the latter as independent data controller, under its exclusive responsibility and on the basis of its own privacy policy . Paypal may share with Ottica Izzo as seller the information of the Customer and his PayPal account necessary to carry out the transaction and refund operations.

This information is also intended to be provided in the context of customer support services, such as, by way of example: assistance in purchasing products online, requesting information, returning a product and exercising the right of withdrawal, sending complaints.


The data controller is the company Ottica Izzo di Alfonso Maria Izzo & CSas , with headquarters in Montesarchio (BN), Via Napoli n. 4.

The Data Controller may be contacted for clarifications and questions relating to the processing of personal data at

The company has not appointed a DPO.

For further information relating to the rights of the interested party, please consider the paragraph entitled "What are your rights" of this information.


The personal data processed by Ottica Izzo are those provided by the user when browsing the website , when registering for the newsletter or creating an account on the website and /o of the possible purchase of products available on the website , in addition to the data necessary for the provision of the online sales service such as, for example, those functional to the execution of payment and shipping or exchange of the products purchased.


For more information on the cookies used by this website, see the cookies policy at the following link.


The personal data provided by the user when browsing the website are processed by the Data Controller in accordance with current regulations on the protection of personal data.

The legal basis of the processing is identified in the provision of its services by Ottica Izzo, in the management and facilitation of the website, as well as in the establishment, execution and possible termination of the online sales contract concluded between the parties and in the obligations to the same contract connected and/or directly and/or indirectly deriving from the same.

The processing of personal data by Ottica Izzo is aimed at pursuing the purposes listed below.

1. Direct marketing - Subscription to the newsletter . In the event that the user decides to subscribe to the newsletter, only following possible and specific consent, the personal data will be processed by the Data Controller for the sending of commercial or promotional communications, related updates ( for example: exclusive offers, special events and promotions). To unsubscribe from the newsletter, simply click on the unsubscribe link at the bottom of the emails received or write to The Data Controller, to compare and possibly improve the results of communications, uses systems for sending newsletters and promotional communications equipped with a reporting mechanism, thanks to which the Data Controller will be able to know details such as, for example, the number of readers, openings and clicks, the type of device used to open and read emails, message viewing complications; link tracking, i.e. the number of clicks made on the links in the message and click tracking, i.e. which links were clicked. This data is used for the sole purpose of comparing and improving communication results.

For the purpose referred to in point 1, the provision of personal data and consent to their processing is optional, in case of failure to provide consent it will not be possible to proceed with the subscription to the newsletter.

2. Creating an account on the website. In the event that the User decides to register on the website , only following a possible and specific consent, the personal data will be processed by the Data Controller for the purposes of registration on . In particular, upon providing your name, surname, e-mail address and setting an access password, these data will be processed for the creation of a personal account, to speed up the purchase procedure, to allow the user to view the history of orders placed, change personal settings and update the account. At any time the user can cancel the account through the dedicated procedure within their account or by contacting customer service at

For the purposes referred to in point 2, the provision of personal data and consent to their processing is optional. Failure to provide the data will make it impossible to create an account on the website and access the functions connected to it.

3. Shopping activities on the website . The personal data provided will be used for the purposes of establishing, managing, executing and concluding the online sales contract. The data will be processed by the Data Controller for the management of the purchase order with reference, by way of example, to the payment and shipping activity, taking charge of the order and the fulfillment of obligations established by current legislation. In case of payment by credit card, the fundamental information for the execution of the transaction (credit/debit card number, expiration date, security code) will be processed by the payment system provided by Shopify INC ( https:// ). However, this information will never be viewed or stored by Ottica Izzo.

For the purposes referred to in point 3, the provision of personal data and consent to their processing is mandatory. If consent is not provided, it will not be possible to proceed with the establishment, management, execution and/or conclusion of the online sales contract. line and to proceed with the activities connected to this.

4. User profiling . Only following a possible and explicit consent, the personal data provided may be processed by Ottica Izzo for profiling activities which allows the identification of user preferences in order to create personalized content and offers.

For the purposes referred to in point 4, the provision of personal data and consent to their processing is optional. In case of failure to provide Ottica Izzo it will not proceed with the profiling activity as previously identified.


The processing of personal data is carried out by the Data Controller in compliance with the provisions of current legislation regarding the processing of personal data. The Data Controller processes personal data using IT and/or telematic tools and with organizational and logical methods strictly related to the pursuit of the purposes indicated on this page, always adopting appropriate security measures in order to prevent access, unauthorized disclosure, modification or destruction of personal data, their loss and their illicit and incorrect use and in any case in line with current legislation. However, Ottica Izzo cannot guarantee its users that the measures adopted for the security of the site and the transmission of data and information on the site are capable of limiting or excluding any risk of unauthorized access or dispersion of data by devices belonging to the user. For this reason, users are advised to ensure that the tool adopted for browsing the site is equipped with software suitable for the protection of data transmission over the network (antivirus) and that their internet provider has adopted suitable measures for the security of data transmission over the network.

Ottica Izzo also undertakes to process the data according to the principles of correctness, lawfulness and transparency, to collect them to the extent necessary and exact for the processing and to allow their use only by personnel for authorized purposes. The management and storage of the personal data acquired will take place in archives, on platforms owned by Shopify INC located in their data centers in the USA and Canada.

In relation to the different purposes for which they are collected, personal data will be kept for the time strictly necessary to achieve the same or for the longer time required by law.

The Personal Data processed for the purpose of providing the service and managing the relationship will be kept for the time strictly necessary to achieve these purposes. In any case, since these are treatments carried out for the provision of Services, Ottica Izzo will process the Personal Data for up to the time permitted by Italian legislation to protect its interests (Art. 2946 et seq. of the Civil Code) from possible complaints relating to the Services.

For Marketing purposes, your Personal Data will be retained for 24 months and for Profiling purposes for 12 months, without prejudice to your right to object to such processing at any time. Upon expiry of the retention period, your Personal Data will be deleted. In any case, Ottica Izzo may retain your Personal Data for the period of time established and permitted by Italian law to protect its interests (Art. 2947(1)(3) cc).

If, on occasions following the first provision of data and related consent, you give consent again for Marketing and/or Profiling purposes, through any of the multiple contact and/or communication channels with Ottica Izzo (e.g. via the Site or its sales points), the retention period for the purposes indicated above will start again from the date of the last provision.

If you create a personal account, your Personal Data will be stored and processed for as long as your account is active. It follows that your account and your Personal Data will be deleted if you do not make purchases on the Site for a consecutive period of 5 (five) years. Before the expiration of this period, Ottica Izzo will send you a communication to the contacts you provided to ask you to confirm your desire to maintain the account despite the inactivity.

Further information regarding the retention period of Personal Data and the criteria used to determine this period can be requested by writing to the Data Controller at the contact details indicated in the "Contacts" Section of this Privacy Policy. Specific security measures are observed to prevent data loss, illicit or incorrect use and unauthorized access.


The personal data collected will not be disclosed in any way and will be processed within the limits and for the purposes described by Ottica Izzo employees on the basis of adequate operating instructions.

Some data processing may also be carried out by third parties, appointed as external data processors, of whom the Data Controller makes use or could make use as part of the management of the contractual relationship, the provision of the services offered and for the organizational needs of its business. In particular, the data may be communicated to:

  • subjects, public and private, who can access the data pursuant to the provisions of the law, regulations or community legislation, within the limits established by these rules;
  • subjects who need to access the data for purposes related to the contractual relationship existing between the parties, within the limits strictly necessary for carrying out auxiliary tasks (such as banks and credit institutions, technical service providers, hosting providers, IT companies, communication agencies , postal couriers and shipping companies);
  • consultants, within the limits necessary to carry out their professional duties.

The updated list of external managers and subjects authorized to process is kept at the headquarters of the Data Controller and is available to the interested party, upon written request to be made via e-mail to


Personal data is stored on servers located within the European Union. In any case, it is understood that the Owner, if necessary, will have the right to move the servers even outside the EU. In this case, the Data Controller hereby ensures that the transfer of non-EU data will take place in compliance with the applicable legal provisions, subject to the stipulation of the standard contractual clauses provided by the European Commission.


Pursuant to articles 15 and following of the Regulation, you have the right to ask Ottica Izzo, at any time, for access to your Personal Data, rectification or (in the cases provided for by the Regulation) cancellation, and to oppose their processing; has the right to request the limitation of processing in the cases provided for by the art. 18 of the Regulation, as well as to receive the Personal Data concerning you in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and to transmit them to another owner without impediments in the cases provided for by the art. 20 of the Regulation. If the processing is based on consent, it is possible to revoke the consent at any time without prejudice to the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent given before the revocation.

To exercise your rights you can contact the Data Controller or the Data Protection Officer at the contacts indicated in paragraph I. below. We also inform you that through the Contact section of the Site it is possible to send communications to the Owner to exercise some of your rights above (such as opposition to the receipt of commercial communications, a request to delete your personal data, etc.). Consent to Profiling through cookies can be revoked using the methods indicated in Section A. above.

In any case, you always have the right to lodge a complaint with the competent Supervisory Authority (Guarantor for the Protection of Personal Data), pursuant to art. 77 of the Regulation, if you believe that the processing of your Personal Data is contrary to the legislation in force.


To exercise the above rights or for any other request you can write to the Data Controller: via Napoli, n. 4 – 82016 Montesarchio (BN), or via e-mail